Hassan al-Banna |
Hasan al-Banna and the Ways and Means of Da'wah |
Source: Cassette "Ma'naa Qawl ul-Hizbiyyeen" |
Article ID : NDV020001 [36745] |
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So he desired to unite these many thousands of people, to gather together from them however many he desired - so that by them he could bring about what he deemed the greatest matter and that is - as he claimed in another place - the matter of imaamah (leadership) and the matter of rule (hukm) as he, Hasan al-Banna said: "You know, O brothers, that there is no imaam in the present day and it is necessary for us to forget everything and abandon everything for freeing the Islamic lands" and he means freeing them from the rulers "and that we strive to establish an Islamic governments since without that there is no organisation or striving or anything."
So this is from the words of Hasan al-Banna also from the book 'Fee Qaafilatil-Ikhwaan al-Muslimeen', and this Hasan al-Banna used to superimpose this matter with another matter and that is the greatest of matters in the religion - which is Tawheed - in that he used to say, in his Usool ul-'Ishreen that these matters such as istigaathah (seeking aid, succour by other than Allaah) and other such matters of Shirk are: "Munkar (evil) which it is necessary to wage a war against it and we do not allow any chance for it - in order to prevent it outright [i.e. not leave any avenues towards it]...". So he used to affirm that this was one of the greatest of evils - at the least, he used to affirm that in writing and this topic, he would affirm this in writing so that he would polarise by this the naïve people from amongst those who would reject these matters, either by their fitrah or by their Salafiyyah [i.e. firm knowledge of what the Salaf were upon] or by their knowledge - so he desired that he would polarise them so that he could take advantage of and exploit them in his da'wah which he saw as establishing the rule of Islaam.
So when the likes of Hasan al-Banna used to make permissible for himself this matter with respect to the issue of Tawheed and that he used to change its position and would not begin with what all the Prophets began with and that is forbidding from Shirk and calling to Tawheed with its complete and comprehensive meaning - since the people in those places used to be in the mires of Shirk - and refuge is sought from Allaah and this man would come to them in the best of appearances, dressed in European clothes, with a fez and he would remove one half of his beard or three-quarters of it or even more and he would meet them with cheerfulness and with an open heart and he would advise them with cleansing their hearts and they would thank him for that - since there is none who would deny that he should be advised to cleanse and purify his heart and nor would others - by Allaah, not even the Jews, or the Christians, or the worshippers of the cow or the worshippers of Buddha - or who would become angry when they received that advice. And as for advising them to abandon the greatest form of Shirk and making them fearful of loving this Shirk and explaining the ruling of the one who committed it, in a very clear and explicit manner and with evidences from the Sharee'ah - then this to them, is unacceptable and it is not suitable for the expediency of their da'wah which makes their aim the establishment of the rule along with any justification for the [use of] any of the ways and means - and refuge is sought from Allaah.
So this is a sample that I have read in the books of
these people that explains the meaning of their saying " the ways and means
of da'wah are based upon ijtihaad". And when it is said to them: 'Fear
Allaah, and worship Allaah, by what He has legislated in this matter of making
da'wah to Allaah and follow the legislation of Allaah in doing that, since that
is the usool of the Ahl us-Sunnah wal-Jamaa'ah, as Shaikh ul-Islaam ibn
Taimiyyah has mentioned in the end of his book Aqeedatil-Waasitiyyah after he
mentions the usool of the Ahl us-Sunnah he said: 'Then they along with
these usool, order the good and forbid from the evil in accordance with what the
Sharee'ah necessitates" because the Sharee'ah came perfect and
came with all the beneficial matters until the Hour is established and he did
not say: "In accordance with what the view of the du'aat (callers to
Allaah) necessitates", or "in accordance with what the intellects of
the du'aat necessitate", and nor "in accordance with what the ijtihaad
of so and so necessitates" but rather he said: 'in accordance with what the
Sharee'ah necessitates".