5. As for the refutation of Shaikh Ahmad bin Yahyaa an-Najmee, then it is the longer of the two, and is the most powerful, and uses some harsh language (bearing in mind that the Shaikh is senior to Ibn Jibreen) in outlining the great injustice of Ibn Jibreen in his accusations. The book is called "Radd ul-Jawaab 'alaa Man Talaba Minnee 'Adam Tab' al-Kitaab" (The Return of the Reply To The One Who Requested Me Not To Print the Book). This is 40 pages long, in A4. Shaikh Ibn Jibreen had requested from the Shaikh that he does not print his most excellent work entitled "Al-Mawrid al-Adhb az-Zulaal Feemantuqida Alaa Ba'd al-Manaahij ad-Da'awiyyah Min al-'Aqaa'id wal-A'maal" (The Cold Sweet [Flowing] Spring Water [That Quenches (the Thirst)] Concerning What Can Be Criticised Of Beliefs and Actions Of Some of the Methodologies of Da'wah). This book is a detailed, reference-filled, authoratitive refutation of the overall methodologies of Jamaa'at ut-Tabligh, and Ikhwaan ul-Muflisoon, with details of their history, founders, developments, deviations and many other issues. It also contains an excellent and detailed refutation of Hassan al-Bannaa and Muhammad Ilyaas, and their great deviations and heresies, and who were far astray from the aqeedah of the Salaf. The book is 340 pages in total. So Ibn Jibreen requested the Shaikh not to print this book, as he claimed that Shaikh Ahmad had wronged Hassan al-Bannaa. So the Shaikh replied with a powerful reply, that needs nothing in addition to it, illustrating the baseless accusations of Ibn Jibreen, and establishing the heresies of Hassan al-Bannaa and his speaking with "wahdat ul-wujood", and who uttered the Shirk Akbar in the form of poetical compositions, and his praise of the propounders of "wahdat ul-wujood", and his statement that their is no religious dispute between the Muslims and the Jews, and his taking part in the gatherings at the tombs of Zainab and others, and his witnessing the Major Shirk with his own eyes and not rejecting it, and his travelling 20 miles to the graves of ad-Dasooqee and as-Sinjar and then returning a whole 20 miles, and his efforts to unite between the Sunnis and the Raafidah Shi'ah, and his enacting the bay'ah and calling people to make bay'ah, and to request obedience (that is only given to the wali ul-amr of the Muslims), and his tafweedh of the Attributes of Allaah, the most wicked of all of the sayings of the negators of the Attributes and much more. The Shaikh finishes by asking Ibn Jibreen 25 questions which he ought to answer, about the so called good effects of Hassan al-Bannaa.
In short, this is a dynamite book and it leaves no room for any drowing Qutubi, who is holding onto the few remaining planks, and relying upon the likes of these erroneous accusations that have come from the direction of the some of the Scholars. It is available from the Salafi Bookstore, for anyone who maybe interested in reading it.
6. As for the second, the reply by Shaikh Zaid al-Madkhalee, it is around 6 pages in length, and follows the same type of reply given by Shaikh Ahmad bin Yahyaa an-Najmee. Shaikh Zaid makes mention at the very beginning that he was saddened to see a Shaikh like Ibn Jibreen being associated with the CDLR of al-Mis'ary, being taken unawares, and then he was made to think that the likes of Qutb was just like the great scholars of the past, who had great knowledge, but who erred in some areas. And that this false perception led the Shaikh to transgress against his brothers, the Shaikhs in Madinah, such as Shaikh Rabee', Shaikh Salih as-Suhaymee, Shaikh Muhammad Naasir bin al-Faqeehee and others. Then the Shaikh goes on to remind Ibn Jibreen of some of the calamities of Sayyid Qutb. Likewise he addresses the issue of Hassan al-Bannaa, and some of his calamities. The Shaikh then refutes some of the claims made by Ibn Jibreen in his statements in defence of Bannaa and Qutb, and Abdur-Rahmaan Abdul-Khaaliq. The Shaikh finally mentions the four pages of Shaikh Bakr Abu Zaid and that Shaikh Rabee' has replied and refuted them with what is sufficient.
7. As for the four pages of Shaikh Bakr Abu Zaid, then he himself cursed the one who spread them, as he claims that he wrote them and that they were stolen from his office, and spread and printed without his knowledge. Refer to NDV010012.